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Now You're in Control (of Alerts)

Much like Janet Jackson, we like to have a lot of control — and in information-dense arenas, like energy, we absolutely love it. So today, we’re excited to share the love and introduce some new controls that allow Alerts subscribers (sign up here) to customize their Alerts preferences via an updated console (you must have a Halcyon account to view). 

And while longtime subscribers will know that we also love the written word, sometimes a video is warranted — so we made one to walk you through how to create and update Alerts with these new controls:

As part of this,  we've made some changes to our existing Alerts set-up, so it's worth highlight some common questions (and their answers) here as well:

  1. All of your existing Alerts Preferences have been combined into a single email. You probably noticed this a few days ago - it is intentional. (Don’t worry, you can still create Alerts as granular as you’d like if you prefer to have one email per Commission per day!) 
  2. If you are a current Alerts subscriber, when you log in, you’ll see that your preferences were combined into a single Alert titled “Halcyon Alerts.” Click the ellipses button on this Alert and click “edit” on your first login. Alternatively, you can delete this and create a brand new one like I did. 

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  3. If you don’t specify any Publishers via the dropdown menu, it will default to including “All Publishers.” Note that anyone with this preference enabled will automatically be subscribed to new publishers when we add Alerts support for them.

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  4. Many of you have told us that you would like to control the frequency of the emails and manage the delivery schedule for a specific day. We will fast-follow with this capability soon.
  5. The “Alerts Roundup” email that I referred to is available to Alerts subscribers and members of our Product Waitlist - if you are not already, sign up to make sure you don’t miss it. We send these out every Friday AM ET. 

We're also thrilled to announce that we've added Alerts support for dockets published by Illinois Commerce Commission!

We’ll be back next week with another video to share another exciting new feature we’re working on that unifies all the key information from a given docket in an easy-to-read format.

Until then, please sign up for Alerts if you haven’t yet and let us know what you think. After all, you’re in control.

Comments or questions? We’d love to hear from you -, or find us on LinkedIn and Twitter